Sunday, May 13, 2012


On Friday we had our orientation. Since the agency we chose is based out of Texas, we did it over skype. We learned a lot about the process, and the agency. It made us feel that much better about the agency we chose. Generations Adoptions only places children in active Christian homes, this was the reason we chose them in the first place. We really love the fact that they see the importance of raising kids up in the way of the Lord. We also found out that the orphanage they work with is Christian run and part of a larger ministry in Uganda. They actually call it a babies home because most of the children there are 3 years old and younger. The next step for us is getting a home study done. We won't do this until the Lord provides the money to pay for the home study. If you are following our blog regularly this is one of the things you can be praying about! We know that God will provide in HIS time. Another thing you can pray for is that we would continue to have a sense of peace about the whole process. God seems to continually reassure us, what a great God we serve!



  1. It was great to talk to you yesterday and catch more of your heart and excitement for this journey of building your family through adoption. Thanks for your letter. Someone got tears in his eyes as he was reading it on the way home. If that's not enough of a hint, I was the one driving.

    I'll send Spencer some links to some adoption funding options for you to look over. I'm sure there are others. Not to mention whatever creative ways God has of providing.

    Very neat video under the tab. Now we pray that God gives you courage and faith to wait on Him to get one of those little ones into your arms and family. Beautiful kiddos!

    The verse that came to my mind when I read your first post was Prov 3:27, 28....though I had to do a search to remember where it was.
    "Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to act. Do not say to your neighbor, “Come back later; I'll give it tomorrow— when you already have it with you."

    We're excited to know that you are open and willing to share what you have with someone "to whom it is due"...a child in need of family and the blessing of being taught about their heavenly Father. If God intends one less child to be an orphan, to find their family with you, He will provide the means by which it will happen. You'll have some remarkable miracles to talk about throughout this process, we're certain.

    I often marveled (still do) at how God knew just where to find each child He planned to bring into our family. In all the world, how could we have ever known where to find them? How did the last four all find their way into the same orphanage our agency worked with, when they could have ended up anywhere in their first country? And how could we have ever been wise enough to "choose" the right child for ourselves, if it had all been up to us? In the case of our 9th grade wrestler, for over a year God prevented other families from inquiring about him, until we were ready to adopt again. His adorable little face was on a newsletter sent out a year before we were ready to add to our family. I'll never believe it was just a coincidence that no one asked to adopt him, but rather a confirmation to me that God intended J and M to be brothers. And I've needed M to teach me things only a boy like him could teach me!

    We will keep reading here for future updates on your journey.

    Nancy and Gus

  2. We are so thrilled to partner with the two of you during this time!!! Praise God, from whom all blessings flow... He will provide for His will to be accomplished! We are praying with you !!!

  3. WOW!! Lots of emotions....excitement, expectancy, and a longing to know this child that God has given to you, praying for him or her to be home soon, and for both of you!
